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Author: kiara

Sarah’s graduation

Bon voyage, Sarah!

We recently celebrated Sarah Desnoyers-Zorko who is leaving The Rothenberg Group after over four years of part-time work while completing her law degree.

Sarah has worked in a number of departments while studying and learning for the bar exam. We will miss her cheerful smile and dedicated work.

We wish Sarah continued success in all her future endeavors.

Nancy-Ann 20th anniversary

Congratulations Nancy-Ann!

Nancy-Ann is celebrating her 20th anniversary with The Rothenberg Group.

Nancy started with us during the ice storm in 2008. She started in an entry-level position and over the years has worked her way through several departments. Although Nancy is a very good administrator, she loves dealing with the public.

Marilyn’s Retirement

Happy trails to you, Marilyn!

We recently bid farewell to long time Associate, Marilyn Amsel. Marilyn joined the Rothenberg Group 21 years ago. She worked in a number of departments and then spent eight years as Manager of our Point Claire office.

Three years ago she decided to retire and then she was promptly asked if she would like to work 3 half days a week in our Westmount office! Now Marilyn has decided to retire for good. We know she will be busy with her family, husband Dave, trips to New Hampshire, and many other activities.

We wish Marilyn many more years of good health and happiness!

Golf Tournament Calgary

On Tuesday, June 26, 2018, the Chabad Lubavitch (Calgary chapter) hosted its Holy One Golf Celebration at River Spirit Golf Club. The tournament benefitted The Friendship Circle, an organization providing services and support for Jewish children and teens with special needs so they can thrive. Rothenberg Capital Management was one of the primary sponsors, and Robert Rothenberg brought many of the golfers in attendance, as well as other sponsors. The event was a great success.

Humboldt Broncos – Solidarity Day

We all have been following the devastating news about the tragedy in Humboldt, Saskatchewan. Our hearts ache for those families, their friends and neighbours. On April 12, 2018, the Rothenberg Associates wore a jersey in solidarity with the Humboldt community.

Westmount Crusader Pathfinder Club

On October 22, 2016 at the Westmount Crusader Pathfinder Club Investiture Service, Mr. Jack Rothenberg of The Rothenberg Group was presented with a “Plaque of Appreciation” from the Club for his financial support and contribution. The Plaque was presented to him by Pathfinder Kaeli Waugh who received the Junior Pathfinder of the year award and Elizabeth Charles the club director.

The Westmount Crusader Pathfinder club is an organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Worldwide, dedicated to meeting the social, physical, mental and spiritual development needs of its youth ages 10-16 by challenging them to experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, having a sense of achievement and responsibility, and developing respect for God’s creation including his fellowman.

The Pathfinders take part in activities, such camping and camporees local and International. They visit nursing homes and on Mother’s day present the residents there with flowers and a picture frame poem. They also make a special Mother’s day lunch and give to the Mothers who are home bound and live alone.

You can see the Pathfinders feeding the homeless downtown or giving out coats, socks and hats to homeless on the streets of downtown Montreal. Every November you can see them in their uniform in the area of Westmount collecting funds form the neighbourhood in collaboration with ADRA Canada (this is called Ingathering). This money is used to help people who are experiencing difficulties in life. They also collect non-perishing food items to make Christmas baskets to give to the less fortunate, and to put a smile on the face of many during the Christmas season.

The Pathfinders also participated in our Bible Experience ( where they have to learn an entire book of the Bible) and compete with other Pathfinder clubs in Quebec and the North American Division (NAD). Last year they placed first in the Quebec Conference and second in the North American Division, which was held in Prescott Arizona USA.

Fort Calgary Outriders

Who are the Fort Calgary Outriders? They are a 30-member riding club, representing Alberta’s western heritage. They ride in parades, including the Calgary Stampede Parade and many smaller rural parades. They also have a role at the 3 major events at the highly acclaimed Spruce Meadows show Jumping venue. You can see them on the grounds as well as in the International ring.

The Fort Calgary Outriders take community involvement seriously, always available for guests to ask them questions and pet the horses. This community involvement is why Rothenberg Capital has been a proud sponsor of the Fort Calgary Outriders for the past 5 years. Why not do your share in supporting this great organization. Share this post with your friends and spread the word on the great Fort Calgary Outriders!

Gloria’s Girls of the JGH

Following the firm’s initial commitment in 2015, also this year The Rothenberg Group was a proud sponsor of Gloria’s Girls and cancer research at the Jewish General Hospital (JGH), Montreal.

From Left to Right: Pearl Rothenberg, Jack Rothenberg (founder), Helen Corrigan (president).

Financial Terms Glossary

Have you noticed that in the investment industry there are so many acronyms and terms you have never heard of? We would like to de-mystify our business! So we have included a glossary of some of these terms in this eNewsletter. Let’s start with these ten!


Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Exchange traded funds (ETF) are securities that track other assets or indexes, meaning that they own underlying assets such as stocks or bonds, and divide ownership into units. ETF unit holders are entitled to profits such as interest or dividends, and their value can appreciate over time. Though they are pooled funds, they trade like a common stock on a stock exchange.  That means the can be bought and sold throughout the day, thereby offering liquidity and diversity. They generally have lower fees than mutual funds.


Principal Protected Notes (PPNs)

Principal protected notes (PPN) are structured notes that guarantee the investor’s initial investment, and offer growth or income based on the performance of the underlying assets. PPNs are ideal for investors wishing to help protect their investments while participating in market movement.  Investors must hold PPNs until maturity in order to receive the full payout.  This means that investors’ money will be tied up for longer periods of time, and early withdrawals may be subject to withdrawal charges.


Principal At-risk Notes (PARs)

Principal At Risk Notes (PARs) are a type of structured note that can provide more growth or income than a PPN, but with risk to the initial investment, hence their name. PAR notes often have additional features, such as limited capital protection or accelerated returns, and like PPNs must be held until maturity in order to receive the full benefit of the note. Other restrictions may apply, such as an upside cap.


Mutual Funds

A Mutual fund is a pooled investment composed of stocks, bonds, and similar assets. They are operated by managers who invest the fund’s capital to try to produce capital gains and income for the fund’s investors. Mutual funds provide a way for investors to access the stock market and the potential and diversity of a wide range of financial products with a relatively smaller amount to invest.  There are many different kinds of mutual funds, with different investment styles, asset mixes and geographic allocations.


Preferred Shares

Preferred shares are fixed income securities issued by companies that pay dividends to shareholders.  Preferred shareholders get paid before common stock dividends are issued.  They are also entitled to be paid ahead of common stock holders in the event the company goes bankrupt. Preferred stock shareholders do not hold any voting rights.


Common Stock

Common stockholders own a portion of a company, and are usually given voting rights.  Stockholders partake in the profits of a company both via dividends and capital appreciation, if the value of the shares increase. There is more risk in holding the common stock of a company, but there is also potential for greater returns than holding preferred shares.


Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are trusts that own, operate, or finance real estate. REITs often trade on major exchanges like other securities and offer an opportunity to take part in real-estate investing. The REIT income comes from a variety of income-producing real estate, from residential housing to shopping malls to office buildings, and often specialize in a specific sector, such as healthcare.



Bonds are debt securities where the issuer – the company or government that is borrowing – owes the bond holder. They pay interest until the maturity date at which point the capital amount would be repaid. Interest is usually payable in semi-annual intervals. Bonds are typically liquid and can be traded on the secondary market.

The primary difference between stocks and bonds is that stockholders are owners and bondholders are considered as lenders. Bondholders have priority and will be repaid in advance of stockholders in the case of bankruptcy. Furthermore, bonds have a maturity date, whereas stocks remain outstanding indefinitely.


Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs)

Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) are Canadian investments, offered by trust companies or banks, that provide a guaranteed interest rate of return over a fixed period of time. Because the invested amount and the interest on GICs are fully guaranteed, they are considered a safe investment.  The Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) guarantees the repayment of interest and capital in the unlikely event of bankruptcy of the financial institution up to the amount of $100,000 per person per institution (check for more details).


Guaranteed Life Annuities

Life Annuities are financial products that pay out a fixed amount of income.  Regardless of what happens to the stock markets, and/or interest rates, the Life Annuity will continue to pay out a fixed amount, making the Annuity a reliable means of securing a steady cash flow.  Life Annuities are offered through Life Insurance companies, and they can not be changed once started.  The payments will continue for the entire life of the annuitant and his/her spouse if applicable.  Guaranteeing a minimum number of payments as a way to protect the estate is always recommended.


While it is important that you are aware of some of this terminology it is even more important that you speak with your Investment Advisor.  He or she can help you through this jungle!


Contact Us

Let us know how we can assist you.

Our Offices

Westmount Head Office
Montreal – West Island
Montreal – South Shore

Westmount Head Office

4420 St. Catherine Street W
Westmount, Quebec H3Z 1R2 Canada

Montreal – West Island

6500 Trans Canada, Suite #140
Pointe-Claire, Quebec H9R 0A5 Canada

Montreal – South Shore

4605 Boulevard Lapinière, Block B (Floor 3)
Brossard, Quebec J4Z 3T5


1333 8th Street SW, Suite 302
Calgary, Alberta T2R 1M6 Canada